Embodiment Practices

I offer individuals and groups embodiment practices that are specific to their needs, growth and creative process. My aim is to enhance somatic awareness and expression through the body.

These practices are offered as part of a massage/somatic therapy session if desired and when appropriate, or as a dedicated session.

Dance is my first and enduring love, and the way that I express that which is beyond words and cognition. My early history is in contemporary dance, with forays into contact improvisation, ballet, salsa and martial arts. The exploration of feeling states through movement can allow us to metabolize our pain, grief, joys and triumphs so that we can experience our wholeness.

I have training in yin yoga, restorative yoga, Vijnana yoga (800 hours) and Ashtanga yoga (280 hours) and have taught at retreat centres, yoga studios, community centres and as a guest teacher at universities. As a massage therapist I have an understanding of remedial exercise for those living with disease and injury. I aim to include anyone who wishes to participate.

Touch is an essential sense experience often missing in our current culture. Through conscious, respectful touch we communicate care, soothe each other in times of distress, experience pleasure and a sense of belonging. I am qualified to facilitate sessions in platonic touch.

I am offering Vijnana Yoga Classes through the Gabriola Recreation Society.
